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In Good Shape: How We Can Improve Our Immune System – By Dr. Kolade Kolapo

Our world is going through a very difficult phase with the Coronavirus Pandemic. It has disrupted our lives in ways unimaginable. It is therefore imperative for us to know how we can stay safe at this time, what we can do to maintain a high immune system that is strong enough to fight off any infection that may attack the body.

The true potential of our immune system is still unknown, but we are all aware of the vital role the immune system plays in keeping us healthy and feeling our best.

What is the Immune System?

The immune system is a specialized network of cells, nodes, tissues, and organs that work together to defend us against diseases and infection. When fully optimized our immune systems prevent infections, destroy viruses and balance good/bad bacteria levels without us ever giving this process a second thought. In fact, we usually think about the immune system only after we have come down with something.

Boosting The Immune System

1) Sleep and Rest
Your body needs to rest between 8 and 10 hours a night. Every night. We cannot say enough how much your body needs sleep and rest, especially now that we are exposed to blue light from our computers and phones constantly. However, a sound sleep without any disturbance from light and sound produces the best hormonal response

2) Eat Your Vegetables
Just as your mother would say, you should eat your veggies. Actually, you should eat foods with high antioxidant levels. Fruits and vegetables, berries, dark greens, whole grains all contain an array of antioxidants and phytonutrients. These components can neutralize free radicals throughout the body.

3) Move It
We now know that exercise makes our body stronger, increases circulation of blood, stimulates the lymphatic system and helps the body flush toxins and deliver nutrients to every cell.Fitting more exercise into your daily routine will not only help to lose weight but also can boost your immune system and keep you from getting sick easily.

4) Drink Enough Water
Water not only keeps you hydrated, but also carries oxygen to every single one of your cells. Oxygenated cells are optimized cells!
Water is also effective in removing toxins from the body, so drinking more of it could help prevent toxins from building up and harming your immune system.

5) No Smoking, No Alcohol
Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. At least 43 are known carcinogens. Your body tries to fight each and every chemical as foreign bodies. This happens every time you smoke and leaves your immune system tired and unfit to fight against diseases.
There is strong evidence that alcohol disrupts immune pathways and affect the body’s ability to defend against infection

6)Enjoy Life Fully
Spending time with good company, laughing together and doing things you enjoy can drastically lower stress hormones, increases immune function and infection-fighting antibodies. When we laugh, for example, our bodies release endorphin, our natural feel-good chemicals.

Another powerful way to release endorphins is through simple breathwork meditations where our intake of oxygen and release of CO2 is greater than normal (deep breathing through the nose and mouth). 7 conscious breaths is enough to boost immune function.

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