Home Education Delta North Coaches Mull Idea Of Hosting Annual Tournament

Delta North Coaches Mull Idea Of Hosting Annual Tournament

Delta North Coaches on Wednesday rose from a meeting to endorse the idea of hosting an annual Tournament to bring about unity in the region and also engage the youths and keep grassroots clubs and Academy active.

The meeting was chaired by the interim Chairman of the 4-man Steering Committee Coach Emeke with about 25 coaches in attendance from Agbor, Asaba, Kwale, Obiaruku and Abavo.

According to the plan, the Delta North Coaches will organise an annual tournament which will keep clubs active and the chairman also promised to encourage more grassroots participation in the state FA Cup and State League.

Dr. Ken Gadaffi, Director of KG Sports Academy raised the motion for the Coaches Association to add Coaching Education to their annual calender which was well received by members in attendance and the Chairman Promised to bring renowned Instructors to organise Seminars, Workshops and Coaching Clinics for the coaches.

Also on the Agenda was the need for the Association ‘s Patrons to be appointed of which members applauded the initiative and are tasked to seek well to do and Sports loving member of the various communities to be appointed patrons.

Othet members of the Interim exco present are Coach (pst) Timothy, Coach White and Coach Frank.

“It was a great meeting and issues discussed were on point, l hope the coaches in Delta North will remain united and the idea of hosting a tournament will further instill that solidarity among them” Dr Ken Gadaffi Enthused.