Home Academy News Football Intermediaries donates facemasks to Lagos Divisional Football Association …Collaborates on FIAN...

Football Intermediaries donates facemasks to Lagos Divisional Football Association …Collaborates on FIAN Cup

Football Intermediaries Association of Nigeria, Saturday donated 200 free FIAN facemasks to members of the Lagos State Divisional Football Association, Chairman led by its Chairman, Mr. Akintunde Tinubu during its visit to FIAN’s Secretariat, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.

The working visit, according to FIAN Chairman, Mr. Ayodele Thomas, was to discuss collaboration and cooperation with LDFA on ways to develop grassroots football in Lagos State.

” In line with the best global practices, FIAN is donating 200 free FIAN Facemasks to LDFA to be distributed across the Division to Grassroots clubs and Coaches Association. In the efforts to finally win the war against the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world,” Thomas disclosed.

He further gleefully revealed that LDFA has graciously donated one of its high-grade football pitches to FIAN for the organisation of the FIAN cup, as well as partaking as headline sponsor of the groundbreaking soccer championship.