Home Life Style Sport Medical Awareness: Beware Of Osteoarthritis – By Dr Kolade

Sport Medical Awareness: Beware Of Osteoarthritis – By Dr Kolade

Sport woman suffering from pain in knee. Tendon problems and Joint inflammation on dark background. Healthcare and medical.

Osteoarthritis is becoming prevalent in younger adults and more in the female population.

•Modern diet, lifestyle, and means of transportation is the leading cause of this increased number of people with arthritis.

•There are no quick fixes once arthritis has been diagnosed in the knee joint as a combination of factors led to the gradual wearing of the cartilage that supports the knee joint leading to swelling, pain, and disability.

•Early diagnosis and treatment are therefore important in the management of osteoarthritis.

– The joint becomes stiff and swollen
– Difficulty in bending and straightening the knee
– Pain and swelling may be worse in the morning, or after sitting or resting.
– Pain may cause a feeling of weakness and a buckle in the knee.
– Many people with arthritis note increased joint pain with changes in the weather.

•A Physiotherapists examination of the joint will identify the causes of arthritis and draw out a tailored treatment plan that will help alleviate the pain and improve function.

Once the cause of arthritis has been identified, an initial conservative and nonsurgical approach is taken by way of

– Lifestyle Modifications
Some changes in your daily life can protect your knee joint and slow the progress of arthritis.

– Minimize activities that aggravate the condition
– Losing weight can reduce stress on the knee joint, resulting in less pain and increased function.

– Specific exercises can help increase range of motion and flexibility, as well as strengthen the muscles in the leg.

– Assistive Devices
Using devices such as say cane, wearing shock-absorbing shoes or shoe inserts, or wearing a brace or knee sleeve can be helpful.
A brace assists with stability and function.

– Other remedies
Applying heat or ice, using pain-relieving ointments or creams or wearing an elastic bandage to provide support to the knee may provide some relief from pain.

Taking some of these measures early enough can help one live a pain-free life.

Osteoarthritis usually develops slowly and the pain worsens over time. There are no quick fixes to the management and recovery from osteoarthritis.

For Consultation

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