In times past, when people were put into the hospital, they were confined to bed. Now, doctors know that without movement, muscles will become weak, circulation will be sluggish and recovery will be much slower.


Even women who have babies by caesarian section are encouraged to get up the day of surgery to walk around. Of course, getting them out of the hospital earlier has been necessary by the insurance companies, but they are correct in their thinking that the sonner people get moving after surgery, the quicker they’ll recover, and they’ll experiance fewer lasting effects of the surgery.

Our bodies don’t function very well without exercise. Let’s look at some of the things that can happen to us without regular exercise:

1. Tissue cells lose their elasticity.

2. Lymph nodes cannot release all their toxins – the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart; it uses the body’s movement to help circulate its fluids

3. Muscles atrophy.

4. The heart can also lose its strength, causing heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.

5. Hips muscles and joints, through lack of activity, can become fragile and more prone to breakage.

6. Bones can lose density from lack of rebuilding which stimulated by exercise; osteoporosis is the result.


Your heart will greatly benefits from exercise. It is a muscle you can exercise just like the rest of your body. When it rest , it requires less work to pump all the blood around your circulatory system. Also, exercise will increase your HDL( the good cholesterol) and lower your overall cholesterol.

Three Types of Exercise

You should incorporate three types of exercise into your regimen(Routine), of which will improve blood and lymph circulation.

1. Cardiovascular Exercise – It strengthens your heart, clears and expand your lungs, builds your stamina, and pours oxygen into every cell of your body.

2. Flexibility Routines- These wil increase your range of motion, while cleansing and improving the function of your joints. When your tendons become stiff and sore from lack of full -range of motion, ordinary movement can become very painful. Stretching and flexibilty exercises can help eliminate the stiffness and provide better range of movement.

Strength Training – This will increase your muscle mass and bone density help prevent osteoporosis. Strength training doesn’t have to be about bench- pressing twice your body weight. It’s mainly about building healthy, firm muscle tone and keeping it.

However, the more muscle you build (up to a point), the more calories you burn even at rest and the stronger you’ll feel.