Home AIPS News Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo Lifts Ban On Contact Sports

Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo Lifts Ban On Contact Sports

President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo of Ghana has lifted the ban on contact sports, paving the way for the resumption of competitive football activities in the country. The President said this on Sunday, September 20, 2020, during his update number 17 on measures taken against the spread of coronavirus.

Football has been on suspension since March 16, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic, leading to the cancellation of the 2019/2020 season.

”Towards the progressive easing of restrictions, Government has taken the decision to allow the resumption of training in all contact sports, taking into consideration the imminent participation of our national teams in international competitions. Indeed, some national teams have already been given the dispensation to begin training, ahead of their international engagements. All sportspeople, who are camped, are to be tested regularly,” President Nana Addo said.

”No spectators will be allowed at the training centres, and, when actual competition resumes, seating at all stadia will be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) capacity to ensure social distancing.

”Wearing of masks by spectators at stadia will be mandatory. The restart of all other sporting competitions will be determined on a case-by-case basis, pending consultations between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the respective sports associations,” he added.

The Ghana Boxing Authority GBA will soon announce dates for the commencement of all major bouts.

Story By: Sammy Heywood Okine – AIPS Member