Home National Football Teams Beyond Football Reasons: Why Gernot Rohr Might Not Invite Any NPFL Player...

Beyond Football Reasons: Why Gernot Rohr Might Not Invite Any NPFL Player Soon…

By Coach uni Dan Kakwi

It is vehemently clear that no matter the quality and consistency of any players in the NPFL- Rohr and his scouting team would always wear a blindfold pretending not to watch.

Speculatively, it is believed Rohr and his scouting team are linked to top players management agencies that influence his selection and scope…the likes of DW sports and elite sports are instinctively having links and passage to invite players with ease (controlling top Nigerian earning players around the world). This unbalanced act is entwined with top officials of the football hierarchy in the country. Potently proves how Nigerian football is being handled and further proves Gernot Rohr has no freehand and is being remote-controlled.

Critically, the excuse of not inviting players from the home front was on basis of the league being dormant for months and the collective inability of home base teams not to qualify for CHAN and CAF champions league group stages. Yes, collectively teams have failed but there are individual players that stand out to have a viable chance with the Super eagles.

Significantly, with the recent NPFL TV, the world has seen the talents and quality that are existing waiting to be tapped and exposed.

Unfortunately, the scouting team and Gernot Rohr have abandoned talent discovery and are more interested in being influenced by classy money-making agencies/agents. This single act is gradually sinking Nigerian men’s football.