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2022 AWCON: Ejidike, Ikpea, Ubogu Hails Super Falcons, On Nations Cup Ticket

The Nigeria Pillar Of Sports, High Chief Donatus Agu-Ejidike, JP, has joined other well-placed Nigerians to congratulate Nigeria’s Women Senior Football team, the Super Falcon, for qualifying for the 2022 Africa Women Cup of Nations Championship billed for Morocco.

In separate messages made available to the press, they expressed their delights and commended the sterling performances of the record nine times winners of the African Women Nations Cup.

Ejidike remarked that the victory over Cote D’Ivoire and the eventual qualification for the African championship is symbolic of the globally renowned soccer prowess of the Nigeria female national football team. Even as he added confidently that the girls are good enough to win the championship in Morocco, for the 10th time.

On his part, the National Chairman of Nigeria Football Supporters Club, Ambassador (Rev) Samuel Ikpea, described the victory over the Ivorians who stopped Nigerians from participating in the Female football of the 2020 Olympics, as sweet revenge.

The national chairman of NFSC, Nigeria’s foremost fans club, was effusive in praises for the performances of the Super Falcons, went ahead to predict a record-setting outing for the Nigerian women in Morocco. He was, however, quick to advise the leadership of the NFF not to leave any stone unturned in giving the girls adequate preparations for the championship.

Renowned philanthropist and ardent football fan, High Chief Michael Orobasa Ubogu, while congratulating the Super Falcons for qualifying for the championship in Morocco, admonished the girls to remain committed, disciplined, and determined in their quest for a record boosting 10th AWCON title.

Nigeria qualified for the championship after beating Cote’d Ivoire 0-1 in the second leg of the final round of the qualifiers on Wednesday evening in Abidjan. The Super Falcons had earlier beaten the Ivorians 2-0 in Abuja last week to qualify with a 3-0 goals aggregate scoreline.